ENCONET’s professional team has many years of experience in various safety analyzes such as rating assessments of the impact of modifications on safety margins, validation of nuclear power plant simulator, supporting analysis for emergency procedures (EOP, SAMG), evaluations of safety margins in the state of reactor shutdown, analysis of operating transients: root cause, course and consequences; and PSA (Probabilistic Safety Assessment) support.

ENCONET’s competence in the field of safety analysis of nuclear facilities includes:

  • simulation of transients, accidents and severe accidents in the primary and secondary system and inside the containment of the nuclear power plant (RELAP, TRACE, RELAP / SCDAPSIM, MELCOR, GOTHIC, CONTEMPT, COBRA)
  • dynamic calculation of neutron flux in the reactor core during normal operation and accidents (PARCS)
  • FEM stress analysis in pipelines and vessels
  • assessment of radiological consequences on plant employees and the general population
  • use of coupled programs (RELAP5 / PARCS, RELAP5 / PARCS / COBRA, RELAP5 / GOTHIC)

Selected references

  • Analyses and documentation for SEOP accident procedures for Chashma NPP Unit-1, Pakistan
  • Deterministic analyses for Krško NPP
  • Support for the development of an independent expert review for the RTDBE modification, Krško NPP
  • Engineering support for the preparation of analyses as part of 1st PSR action plan, Krško NPP