Management of Radioactive Waste and Spent Nuclear Fuel

ENCONET has many years of experience and expertise in various fields of radioactive waste and nuclear fuel management. Our expert team can provide high-quality professional services especially in the following area: development of national strategies and programs for radioactive waste and spent nuclear fuel disposal, safety analyses for radioactive waste management facilities, feasibility studies and analyses of technical solutions, radioactive waste characterization, development of criteria for radioactive waste acceptance (WAC) and radioactive waste package specification (WPS), and support to the regulator in capacity building and drafting of the legislative framework.
Our clients include regulatory bodies, nuclear power plants and operators of RW management facilities.
Selected references
- National Strategy and Program for the Disposal of Radioactive Waste, Spent Sources and Spent Nuclear Fuel (Croatian Regulator)
- Analysis of Possible Division and Takeover of Operational and Decommissioning RW from NPP Krško (Fund and ARAO)
- Preliminary Waste Acceptance Criteria and Waste Package Specification for Reception and Storage of Institutional RW and Spent Sources in the Central Storage Facility (Fund)
- Preliminary Acceptance Criteria for Disposal of RW (ARAO)
- Feasibility Studies for the Establishment of a Long-Term Storage Facility and a Repository for the LILW from the Krško NPP in the RW Management Centre (Fund)
- Radioactive Waste Characterization Project in Krško NPP (NPP Krško)
- Radioactive Waste Characterization Project (ARAO)
- Initial Report on the Safety of the Institutional RW Storage Facility (Croatian Regulator)
- Strengthening Administrative Capacity of the State Office for Radiological and Nuclear Safety, Regulatory Body for Nuclear Safety and Security – EUROPEAID/130051/D/SER/HR
- Assessment of the Properties of Tunnel and Surface Type Repositories in Croatia (APO d.o.o.)
- Development of Legislation on Radioactive Waste in the Republic of Croatia (Croatian Regulator)
- Development and Justification of Scenarios for a Surface Repository on Trgovska gora in the Republic of Croatia (APO d.o.o.)
- Expert Opinion on the Safety Analysis Report for the Central Storage Facility for RW Brinje, Project for Operating Permit (SNSA, Slovenian Nuclear Safety Administration)
- Preparation of the National Report under the Joint Convention on the Safety of SF and RW Management and support in response to questions and comments (Croatian Regulator)