The activities of the engineering department are focused on the preparation and implementation of changes to structures, systems and components, configuration control and analysis and resolution of technical problems that arise during the operation of nuclear plants.

ENCONET continuously participates in the following work processes:

  • Preparation, implementation and control of modifications and design changes to structures, systems and components of nuclear facilities
  • Document management – monitoring of plant configuration changes, monitoring of work orders, modifications, replacement of equipment, field walkdowns, updating of documentation and component status through database maintenance (MECL – Master Equipment Component List)
  • Resolution of technical problems (Corrective Action Program)
  • Document Control Module (DCM) maintenance
  • Equipment qualification (EQ – Environmental Qualification)
  • Aging Management (AM)
  • Project documentation – Description of nuclear plant systems and components

Selected references

ENCONET provided engineering support, through the preparation of particular parts of the project documentation (DMP) or participation in the phases of preparation and execution of works, on various projects including the following:

  • NPP Krško modification “Construction of the Emergency Control Room”
  • NPP Krško modification “RCS and CNT Alternative Cooling Design”
  • NPP Krško BB2 project modifications “Alternative Safety Injection System” and “Alternative Auxiliary Feedwater System”
  • NPP Krško modification “SWG and Battery Rooms Fire Barriers Upgrade”
  • NPP Krško modification “Preventing malfunction of the NEK MOV gate valves 9103A/B, 8811A/B, 8802A/B, 8815A/B caused by Pressure Locking Phenomena”
  • MECL Database Consolidation Engineering Services Support